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Cilk звучит как «шёлк» - silk.
На что только не пойдешь, чтобы продать еще немного процессоров. Вот, Интел предлагает поиметь преимущества многоядерных и многопоточных камней, используя расширение для C/C++

As multicore systems are becoming prevalent on desktops, servers and even laptop systems, new performance leaps will come as the industry adopts parallel programming techniques. However, parallel programming environments are often viewed to be complex and confusing. Intel is addressing this concern new capabilities as those seen with Intel® Cilk™ Plus. Intel Cilk Plus is designed to be simple and well structured. The product includes three simple keywords and array notations that allow C and C++ developers to quickly make productive use of modern processors that contain both multiple cores and vector units.

Что-то пока незаметно, чтобы народ вдохновился и ринулся использовать Cilk в своих программах. А сделано удобно для программера — три ключевых слова и нотация для векторных данных.

Cilk (pronounced "silk") is a linguistic and runtime technology for algorithmic multithreaded programming developed at MIT. The philosophy behind Cilk is that a programmer should concentrate on structuring her or his program to expose parallelism and exploit locality, leaving Cilk's runtime system with the responsibility of scheduling the computation to run efficiently on a given platform. The Cilk runtime system takes care of details like load balancing, synchronization, and communication protocols. Cilk is algorithmic in that the runtime system guarantees efficient and predictable performance.

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