Курс Scalable
Machine Learning. Hadoop, Apache Spark, Python, ML -- вот это
конспектировать пройденный курс. Неделя
В прошлый
раз было описание задачи (предсказание
клика по рекламному банеру) и модели
для решения (логистическая регрессия).
интерпретация логистической регресии.
In this segment,
we'll introduce the probabilistic
interpretation of
logistic regression.
And we'll show how
this probabilistic interpretation
relates to our
previous discussion on linear decision
логистическую регрессию, мы остановились
на том, что модель выдавала нам да/нет
в зависимости от знака результата.
Но что, если
мы хотим получить значение вероятности?
К примеру от 0 до 1?
However, what if we
want more granular information
and, instead, want a
model of a conditional probability
that a label equals
1 given some set of predictive features?
вероятность дождичка в четверг
к нашим рекламным банерам.
клика в 10% это очень высокая вероятность.
Учитывая контекст задачи.
If we're considering
an ad that has
good historical
performance, a user that has a high click rate
frequency, and a
highly relevant publisher page,
we might expect a
probability to be around 0.1.
And this would
suggest that there's a 10% chance
that a click event
will occur.
Although this
number's low on an absolute scale,
recall that click
events are rare,
and thus, the
probability of 0.1 is a relatively high
probability in our
So if we want to work
with a linear model,
we need to squash its
output so that it'll
be in the appropriate
We can do this using
the logistic, or sigmoid function,
which takes as input
the dot product between our model
and our features and
returns a value between 0 and 1
which we can interpret
as a probability.
функция, сигмоид, вгоняет результат
линейной модели в рамки от 0 до 1.
В итоге, мы
можем интерпретировать результат
логистической регрессии как использование
логистической функции для моделирования
Если же нам
надо получить бинарную классификацию,
типа да/нет, мы можем использовать
пороговое значение, threshold.
It turns out that using
this thresholding rule leads to a very natural
connection with our previous
discussion about decision boundaries
Когда значение
сигмоид = 0.5, пороговое значение, это
эквивалентно тому, что wT dot x = 0, что есть
decision boundaries.
Поговорим о
использовании порогового значения и
предсказании вероятности.
we don't necessarily
have to set our
threshold to 0.5.
Let's consider a spam
detection example to see this point.
Now, imagine that we've
made an incorrect spam prediction.
We can potentially make
two types of mistakes.
The first type, which
we call a false positive,
occurs when we classify
a legitimate email as spam.
The second type, which
we call a false negative,
occurs when we classify
a spam email as a legitimate one.
В случае спама,
false positive вреднее, чем false negative. Пропавшее
письмо не все догадаются поискать в
папке «спам».
These two types of
errors are typically
at odds with each
Or, in other words,
we often trade off one type of error
for the other.
Можно сдвинуть
порог с 0.5 на другое значение. Но как
определить оптимальный порог?
Надо попробовать
набор значения порога и построить график
One natural way to do
this is to use a ROC plot, which
visualizes the
trade-offs we make
as we change our
In particular, a ROC
plot focuses on two standard metrics
that are often at odds
with one another, namely
the false positive
rate, or FPR, and the true positive rate,
or TPR.
Using our spam
detection application
as a running example,
we can interpret
FPR as the percentage
of legitimate emails
that are incorrectly
predicted as spam.
And we can view TPR as
the percentage of spam emails
that are correctly
predicted as spam.
В идеальном
случае мы должны получить FPR = 0%, TPR = 100%
В случае, когда
решение спам/не спам принимается
произвольно, мы получим FPR = 50%, TPR = 50%
we can use our
classifier to generate
probabilities for observations in our validation
set. And once we have
these probabilities,
we can generate a ROC
plot by varying
the threshold we use to
convert these probabilities to class
predictions, and
computing FPR and TPR
at each of these
мы готовы мириться с FPR = 10%, что означает,
10% нужных писем могут попасть в спам.
Но в некоторых
случаях нам не нужна бинарная классификация
а надо использовать напрямую значения
As we know, click
events are rare.
And as a result, our
predicted click probabilities
will be uniformly
We may also want to
combine these predictions
with other
information and thus don't want a threshold,
as we'll lose this
fine-grained information by doing so.
original post http://vasnake.blogspot.com/2015/11/week-4-logistic-regression_1.html
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