Записки программиста, обо всем и ни о чем. Но, наверное, больше профессионального.



Всем, кто начал вникать в functional programming, смотреть и слушать обязательно:

Основные принципы объясняются настолько доступно, что даже я всё понял.

О чём речь, собственно:

Core Principles of FP design
– functions, types, composition
Functions as parameters
– functions as interface
– partial application & dependency injection
– continuations, chaining & the pyramid of doom
– error handling, async
– dealing with wrapped data
– functors
– aggregating data and operations

types are not classes (more like sets, valid input/output values)

types separate data from behaviour, can compose types

algebraic types; product types; sum types (choice/union)

totality, total/partial functions

for composition you need functions with one parameter:
currying – every function is a one parameter function

currying/partial application – dependency injection, continuations

chaining continuations takes us to monads: monadic bind;
use bind to chain error handlers, Railway Oriented Programming

Mappable types are 'functors':
Option.map: lifting operations to Option world / List, Future, … other monads and wrapped types

monoid: math term: closure + 'zero' (identity element) + associativity
semigroup = monoid – zero

any combination of monoids = monoid; define a combinator and get aggregation for free (reduce);
incremental updates, parallelizm, missing data handling

convert non-monoid (customer) to a monoid (customerStats), using map;
… reduce // 'Hadoop make me a sandwich'

convert expensive monoids to cheap monoids: map blocks to aggregated data, incremental updates;
monoid homomorphism

monoid from functions? input type == output type: endomorphism (remember monoid closure?);
all endomorphisms are monoids, you can aggregate them
example: Event Sourcing

monads are monoids: monoid in the category of endofunctors.

Hadoop make me a sandwich:
оригинал ищите в твиттере

Отсмотрено по наводке http://thedeemon.livejournal.com/112356.html

original post http://vasnake.blogspot.com/2016/07/fp.html

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