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Customizing Bootstrap

Пример сборки фронтэнда по взрослому.
Кто-то не жужжит и просто меняет переменную в коде библиотеки, быстро решая текущую проблему ценой потери возможности обновлений в будущем.
А кто-то пользуется средствами сборки/пересборки (компиляции), автоматом включая свои патчи/кастомизации.


Here is the approach I took to customize Bootstrap. I'm running on Ubuntu 14.10 Utopic Unicorn 64-bit.

Use the Sass version of Bootstrap. The standard Bootstrap project uses Less but my limited knowledge of frontend technology tells me Sass (specifically SCSS) is a better choice.
Install Bootstrap using Bower. Bower is a tool used to install frontend packages.

"What's bower?" "A package manager, install it with npm." "What's npm?" "A package manager, you can install it with APT" "What's APT?" - adapted from Stefan Baumgartner's tweet

An alternative is to just download Bootstrap and add it to your project. I chose Bower because I wanted to be like the cool kids from 2 years ago and it would be nice to upgrade my libraries with a simple command.
Commit the bower_components directory to git. Alternatively you can leave bower_components out of git and use something like grunt-bower-task or grunt-bower-copy to copy stuff from bower_components into your project. I chose to commit bower_components to git so that I wouldn't need an extra grunt task. The downside is that I have big long ugly paths in my bootstrap.scss file.
Override Bootstrap's Sass variables, remove unneeded components, and combine Bootstrap with my site's stylesheet using Sass @imports.
Compile the Sass SCSS files to CSS using grunt-contrib-sass.
Commit the compiled Sass files to git. An alternative is to compile the files as part of the deploy process. At work, it is a pain keeping these files in git because there are many merge conflicts and differences in build tool versions and platforms between developers. For my blog, I am the only committer so I won't run into this

Вот так, приблизительно, выглядит работа над веб-фронтэндом нынче.
Фронтэндщики обзавелись своими сборщиками и компиляторами, с блекджеком и шлюхами.

Все по взрослому.

original post http://vasnake.blogspot.com/2015/03/customizing-bootstrap.html

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