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Java, Spring Framework, AOP. Аспектно-ориентированное программирование.
АОП настолько необычен для закостеневшего в «алгоритмы + структуры» программера, что его можно настоятельно рекомендовать к изучению хотя бы для разминки мозгов.

Про Python и АОП:

There are many articles out there about AOP and python, and consequently, several AOP solutions for python are offered. The spectrum is broad, ranging from “python doesn’t need AOP” to “python has enough language features to do AOP without framework code” to “AOP works great with python” to “AOP is just another thing built for static languages someone is trying to bolt onto python”.
Someone made a good point back in 2004 on a python mailing list that AOP is a paradigm, not a specific framework, and that if we are going to argue against AOP in python, then it opens the door to arguing over OOP, and in turn, probably every paradigm that we know. Are you ready to throw out python classes and do everything functionally?


Фрилансеру на заметку, как искать работу/работников через профильные соцсети:

2 комментария:

  1. О да, Lisp это сила. Также хорошо подходит на роль мозгочистки.

    AspectL is deprecated. It turned out that the pointcut functionality of AspectL does not make a lot of sense in Common Lisp, and the support for dynamically scoped generic functions has been replaced with much better mechanisms in ContextL.


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