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Автомат по установке дебианчика

Свежачок, сервер Viper, опирающийся на LDAP+DHCP, дает возможность автоматизировать установку оп.системы - дебиан. В статье, к сожалению, нет описания того, как создать конфигурацию, в которую обувается клиент. Рассмотрен только процесс установки сервера вайпер.
Админам, регулярно и помногу устанавливающим системы на деб.пакетах - читать обязательно.

Viper is a system for completely automated installation and configuration of Debian GNU based systems.

It is a newly developed system that had the first public release in August 2009. This article should serve as an early introduction, focusing on the results. For more on the underlying logic and in-depth treatment of various topics, refer to official Viper documentation.

Viper uses a modern approach (debian-installer, Puppet etc.), works with existing Debian packages, and does not require any custom patching of either install media, client or server.

The basis of the whole system is a LDAP server, containing all configuration data.
If you are not familiar with LDAP and related terminology, glance over my other article, OpenLDAP installation on Debian, found here or here.

LDAP has the potential to be enormously successful in configuration management, but its flat data structure, absence of any kind of dynamic behavior, and heaps of duplicated data make it a mediocre tool.
To build on LDAP's great strengths while solving its deficiencies, a custom OpenLDAP backend has been implemented.

The setup explained here will get you to a point that you can perform an automatic installation of a Debian host. The configuration part is done using Puppet, but is not covered here; expect it soon as another article on debian-administration.org and the official website.


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